Body Cleanse
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Body Cleanse Overview
COLON FUNCTION AND ELIMINATIONElimination of waste from the body is very important as digestion. The health and function of colon is very important to proper elimination. The colon is not really involved in digestion. It does functionin the absorption of water and electrolytes (salts). But its primary function is to provide temporary storage for waste products and the formation of the stool. The health of the colon is largelydetermined by the amount of fiber in the diet. Without enough dietary fiber, waste material tends to accumulate.
Body Cleanse Feature
- Causes of constipation: Diet, Physical inactivity, Drugs, Metabolic abnormalities, Diabetes, Kidney disease, low thyroid function, Bowel disease, Nerve disorders of the bowel
- Bacteria over growth: Bacteria over growth in shall intestine may lead to indigestion, low metabolic function which leads to Obesity and a sense of fullness (bloating).
- Constipation: In proper, imbalance diet may lead to constipation and the most common cause of constipation is a low fiber diet.
- To avoid high growth Bacteria, Constipation, Indigestion, Elimination of waste from the body (colon), in take of high fiber with herbs is highly recommended.
- Certain bacteria in the colon, such as members of the Clostridium family, are associated with intestinal toxicity.